
February 20, 2018

Fee-based Foreign Exchange Transactions

Many international transactions require exchange of foreign currencies. The transactions could be related to travelers’ checks, cash, drafts, drafts, fund transfers, remittances, investments, or trade. In […]
February 20, 2018

Letters of Credit (L/C)

Letters of Credit (L/C) are commonly used documents in international trade. L/C is a form for guarantee by the bank to the exporter or seller that […]
February 20, 2018

Benchmarks for Payments

LIBOR as a bench-mark Since Islamic banking is centered on the avoidance of riba or interest based transactions, any mention or reference to interest raises doubts. […]
February 16, 2018

Islamic Banks and Credit Cards

Credit cards are an essential element of modern life and Islamic banks have to provide this service in order to stay competitive. Most credit cards allow […]
February 16, 2018

Investment Deposits at Islamic Banks

Mudarabah or profit and loss sharing account is a common feature of Islamic banking. The customer provides the capital and the bank acts as the Mudarib […]
February 16, 2018

Current Accounts with Islamic Banks

Islamic banks provide current accounts for customers to safeguard their cash and to pay for their day to day life expenses. This cash is a trust […]
February 16, 2018

Fixed Return by Islamic Banks

Although Islamic banks cannot provide interest based accounts with fixed incomes, there are products available which provide fixed or quasi-fixed incomes without compromising Shari’ah principles. Islam […]
February 15, 2018

Functions of Commercial Banks

Commercial banks are important pillars of the modern economy. They serve as the intermediaries for the financial system. The banks are “for profit” organizations and generate […]
February 15, 2018

Role of the Central Bank

The central banks manage the fiscal policy of a state or group of states. They control the money supply and supervise the activities of member banks. […]